DUCKVITA Multivitamin Growth Booster for Duck and Ducklings

DuckVita Soluble powder,Vitamins for animals,Tailored for duck farmers Feed Additive, our product focuses on maximizing the health and vitality of your flock. With our Growth Promotion and Development blend, your ducks will experience accelerated growth and robust development from hatchlings to adulthood. Moreover, our Comprehensive Nutritional Supplement ensures that your ducks receive all the essential nutrients they need for optimal health and performance. Trust us to provide the complete solution for your duck's well-being, ensuring a thriving and productive flock. 【Drug name】:  DUCKVITA                       【Active Ingredients】VA、VD3、VE、VK3、VB1、VB2、VB6、VB12. 【character】Yellow powder 【Function and use】(1) Quickly supplement various vitamins and amino acids required for normal physiological functions of ducks to prevent vitamin, amino acid and trace element deficiency. (2) Anti-stress, alleviati…

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