PMSG Hormone is a well know used hormone together with progestogen to increase ovulation just before to artificial insemination. PMSG hormone is a placental glycoprotein produced from the serum of pregnant mares. PMSG comprises of an alfa subunit and a beta subunit. PMSG hormone is secreted from endometrial cups within the pregnant mare uterus aging from 40 to 130 days into their maturation, and once extracted, it can been used to promote artificially estrus in female animals. These assemblies produce PMSG hormone to induce mare's ovarian and repsouctive structures. PMSG can induce the growth of follicles by ovaries and results in ovulatation. PMSG hormone has an about a 4 day half-life of bioactivity in species other than horses. The extended biological activity can cause ovarian stimulation and ovulation. However, PMSG use alone often causes cystic ovarian disease because of the unrestrained ovarian stimulation and due to the sugar molecules…
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