Dipped tires use 420D/2 NYLON66 CORD FABRIC

UV resistant nylon 6 yarn refers to fibers with strong UV absorption and reflection properties. UV resistant nylon 6 yarn Different fibers or textile colors have different transmittance to UV rays. From the point of view of chemical fibers, short fibers are better than filaments, fine fibers are better than coarse fibers, and flat and shaped fibers are better than round fibers. UV-resistant nylon 6 yarn refers to fibers with strong UV absorption and reflection properties. The principle of preparation and processing is usually to add substances that can shield ultraviolet rays in the fibers, and through mixing and processing, the ability of the fibers to absorb and reflect ultraviolet rays is improved. Colored nylon 6 yarns are used to make up the type of fibers that make up the fabric, which may have an effect on the UPF of the fabric. Polyester molecules contain benzene rings, and protein fibers such as wool and silk contain aromatic amino acids, which have a good absorption effect…


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