Abrasion Resistant Hardface Steel Pipes

HP Hardfacing Elbow is manufactured by hardfacing a carbon steel elbow with an abrasion resistant material using arc welding processes. Fully cladding a carbon steel pipe with HP flux cored welding wire, as opposed to producing it in solid alloy, can reduce costs by as much as 60%. Wear Resistant Tube Bends are suitable for extremely severe abrasive wear and moderate to low impact. Hardfacing Wear Pipe-Elbow is the best solution that provides protection for metallic components by welding a layer of abrasion-resistant alloy to areas at risk of wear. Chromium Carbide Overlay can be applied to an entire component, or only to specific areas of concern. Typical components clad by HP Welding include pipes, valves, flanges, connectors, and elbows, as well as more complex geometries such as tee pieces and wye pieces. Quick View On Product  1. Product Name: HP Chromium Carbide Overlay Wear Pipes 2. Body Material: A36…

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