N-Hexane Liquid with a Gasoline-like Odor

n-Hexane is a respiratory tract irritant andat high concentrations a narcotic. Its acutetoxicity is greater than that of n-pentane.Exposure to a concentration of 40,000 ppmfor an hour caused convulsions and death inmice. In humans a 10-minute exposure toabout 5000 ppm may produce hallucination,distorted vision, headache, dizziness, nausea,and irritation of eyes and throat. Chronicexposure to n-hexane may cause polyneuritis. The metabolites of n-hexane injected inguinea pigs were reported as 2,5- hexanedioneand 5-hydroxy-2-hexanone, which arealso metabolites of methyl butyl ketone(DiVincenzo et al. 1976). Thus methyl butylketone and n- hexane should have similartoxicities. The neurotoxic metabolite, 2,5-hexanedione, however, is produced considerablyless in n-hexane. However, in the caseof hexane, the neurotoxic metabolite 2,5-hexanedione is produced to a much lesserextent. Continuous exposure to 250 ppmn-hexane produced neurotoxic effects in animals. Occupational exposure to…

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